布兰特英语核心优势 专业的语言教育培训机构,集研发、推广、培训为一体,涵盖基础教育培训、高等教育就业及出国游学留学办理,其中培训课程包括朗文国际少儿英语课程、剑桥新概念英语课程及成人企业英语培训课程。 布兰特英语机构简介 “提供真诚专业优质的文化服务和教育培训”,是布兰特教育一直坚持的理念。 布兰特教育是一家专业的语言教育培训机构,集研发、推广、培训为一体,涵盖基础教育培训、高等教育就业及出国游学留学办理,其中培训课程包括朗文国际少儿英语课程、剑桥新概念英语课程及成人企业英语培训课程。 2014年布兰特教育与加拿大魁北克省皮尔逊教育局建立合作关系,成为中国境内留学转移民PEQ项目特许运作机构。 布兰特教育拥有正规教育机构认证,拥有经验丰富、敬业爱生的中外教师队伍和交通便利、宽敞明亮、设施齐全的学习环境。布兰特愿为渴望进步、拥有梦想的学员铺就成功之路! 布兰特——专业铸就卓越! 布兰特英语活动 布兰特英语五大教学模式 少儿英语教学模式 布兰特教育的少儿英语课程Our Discovery Island 除了采用纯外教授课以外、还营造了全方位的数字化教学模式,从课堂教学到中教课后辅导再到家庭复习,让学生多层次全方位有效获取知识。 青少版新概念英语,布兰特教育独创的外教3+1教学模式 布兰特教育针对青少年的身心特点,采用了和他们生活、学习密切相关的语言材料,再加上多媒体辅助资料,让英语学习轻松幽默有趣。通过精心设计的听力、阅读和写作练习帮助学生扎实的掌握各项英语知识和能力,通过外教1节听说课,中教3节读写课的教学模式,让孩子达到真正的听说读写并重的效果,为日后的新概念英语学习考级打下扎实的基础。 多元目标语言教学系统Multi-Target Language Learning System(©MTLLS) Target Language即是布兰特教育英语“目标语言学习模式”。英语作为一门语言有着繁复而庞大的知识系统,在我们过往的学习经历中惯用的单一直线学习法,不仅容易造成了过长的学习进程同时也并不能真正自如的运用英语。布兰特教育教学理论坚持以语言的实用性学习内容作为我们的“目标语言”,课程的体系和安排将围绕着这一目标语言点,将每一个知识点和语言点以及拓展应用面环环相扣,再通过进阶式学习进程,从而实现对每个学习单元“目标语言”的掌握及运用 布兰特英语优惠活动 春季班 火热招生中!!! 卓越品质专注英语 外教浸入式教学 布兰特英语教学特色 布兰特英语使用教材 少儿英语教材 “ODI教材的优势在于它和本土教材的衔接, 刚好和小学1-6年级的教学目标是对应的,教学思路很清晰。每一册都会让孩子带着任务去学习探索,无论在兴趣性还是科学性上都属于任务型教学,Active Teach数字化课堂,能够通过听觉、触觉、视觉等方面全方位调动孩子的积极性。 ” 新概念英语青少版 《新概念英语青少版》专为8岁~14岁青少年以及英语初学者编写。内容全面涵盖新《英语课程标准》1-5级的要求,教学内容参照语法大纲循序渐进地编排,由浅入深、注重新旧知识的结合,重点内容的重复率高,帮助学生能力螺旋式上升。整套教材分为5个级别,每个级别含A、B两个分册。是中小学生强化听说读写英语全面能力的首选教材,也是针对中小学新课标教材的补充、复习的教材,能有效提高应试能力。 剑桥国际英语教程 《剑桥国际英语教程》是专为非英语国家的学习者编写的大型英语教程,是国际上受欢迎,有影响的英语教材之一。教程的内容包括听、说、读、写四种技能。同时进行语言训练和词汇扩展,尤其强调听说技能和英语交际能力的培养。本书主要使用美国英语,但是其内容并不局限于某个国家、地区或文化,而是反应了英语作为国际交流用语的丰富性和多元性。 布兰特英语师资力量 Anna Rosario My name is Anna Rosario. I come from Puerto Rico, United States where I graduated as a Graphic Designer in 2008. In the year 2012 I decided to come to China and teach English. I am a TESOL qualified English teacher and I have taught at various educational institutions and companies in Xi’an. When I’m not teaching I like to spend my time studying, reading and drawing. 我是来自美国的安娜,我毕业于2008年。在2012年,我决定来中国教英语。我是一个合格的英语教师,我一直在西安教书。在我的业余生活里,我更喜欢学习、阅读和画画。Joshua Knight. My name is Joshua Knight. I come from Sydney, Australia where I worked for ING bank as a business analyst until the year 2001 when I decided to come to China and teach English. I am a CELTA qualified English teacher and I have taught at various educational institutions and companies in Wuhan, Shanghai and Xi’an. When I’m not standing in front of a class I like to spend my time riding my bike and discovering new parts of the city and its surrounding countryside. 我是来自澳大利亚悉尼的Josh,我之前是在银行工作,直到2001年,我决定来中国教英语。我是一个合格的英语教师,在武汉、上海和西安工作过。在我的闲暇时间里,我喜欢骑车去一些城市及周边农村我没去过的地方。Krista Busa My name is Krista Busa, I'am 24 years old, coming from Latvia. My mother language is Latvian, but professional language is English. Also I can speak in Russian and Chinese basics. For 6 years I worked in kindergarten as a music and English teacher. My first collage education is as a music teacher, but my Bachelor's degree is in Humanities, both in English. Also I love to organize events for kids like celebrations, theatres and music concerts. In my family I have two younger brothers, and I also taught them a lot of school subjects. I came to China because I really love culture over here, especially in Xian. I like people and environment around city, that's why I choose to do my master degree in Xi'an city. My Master degree is in English, and major is MBA studies. Since I have a lot of free time after lessons I choose to teach kids, because this is job I love the most. Maybe after graduation I will continue to work as a teacher, because I like to play with kids in daily life and if I can help them to give knowledge is the best work! Thank You.Bara:女,27岁 毕业于西安培华学院国际语言文化学院,英语本科,现任教于布兰特英语学校。有四年的英语教学经验,大学期间曾执教于户县大王镇小学,后教授过少儿英语,小升初英语及初中英语,擅长少儿英语教学。大多数学生群体来源于高新小学,高新第三小学,西工大附小等重点小学及初中。 Bara老师课堂气氛活跃,善于调动学生积极性。在课堂上,她鼓励学生表达自己的意见和方法以及英语学习方式,因为她认为学习是一个个性化的过程。她态度端正,富有耐心,鼓励其学生做到。对于孩子的教育她心怀诚挚的热情,并一直尽其所能将教学做到。 Bara, Female, 27-year-old. Graduated from Xi'an PeiHua University, International Language and Culture Faculty with a Bachelor's degree in English, teaching at Brilliant English School now. She has four-year English teaching experience. She taught at Huxian Dawang town primary school during her college years and was engaged in English teaching to children and students from primary to junior middle school ages after graduation. She’s interested in the kid’s English teaching. Most of her students are from Xi’an Number 1 Primary School, Xi’an Number 3 Primary School, Northwestern Polytechnical University Affiliated Primary School and the other key primary schools and middle schools. As a teacher she is a very active and encourages her students to be the same. In class, she encourages students to voice their opinions and to approach to the way of learning English, because she thinks that learning is a kind of personalized process.She has an earnest attitude, patience and always encourages her students to do the best that they can. Bara has a genuine passion for the education of children and always puts her heart into teaching to the best of her abilities.康霓媛,22岁,英文名Nina 毕业于海南大学,主修英语专业。从事少儿英语教育一年多,擅长小学英语课程。性格开朗外向,在我的空余时间我有很多兴趣爱好,包括阅读,游泳以及健身。我很喜欢孩子,在我看来孩子们都是活泼,天真,纯洁的。我喜欢站在讲台上倾我所有,为孩子们传授知识的感觉。对我而言,少儿教学既是有趣也是十分重要的。 Kang Niyuan, 22-year-old. My English name is Nina. I graduated from Hainan University. My major is English. I taught children English for more one years. I am good at primary English course. I’m outgoing and open-minded. In my spare time, I have broad interests. Such as reading, swimming, body building. I like children very much. I think children are active, innocent and pure. I like the feeling when I stand at the stage and give all my knowledge to my students. Teaching children is very interesting and important for me.路亦凤,23岁 毕业于西安外国语大学英语教育本科专业,现任职于西安布兰特国际英语学校。在校期间拿到了英语专业四级、专业八级证书以及英语学科教师资格证书,并多次获得校级奖学金、学术作品优秀奖、优秀共青团员等荣誉称号。大学四年一直辅导小升初以及初中生的英语学习,并曾在西安市第二十五中学和黄龙县中学实习。我的课堂,是学生们展示自我的地方,是属于每一个学生的,不同的学生都会造就不一样的课堂。 Olivia Lu, 23, graduated from Xi’an International Studies University with English major, and now work in Briiant English. I got TEM 4, TEM 8 and teacher’s certification, and got many achievements in my 4 year’s college life. I used to work in Xi’an Twenty-Fifth High School and Huanglong County High School as a intern teacher, and also I was a tutor for helping many students study English. Many students like my class, because I encourage students to show themselves, and their confidence let me know that class belongs to every student, and different students can make different class. 布兰特英语学校环境 布兰特英语学员案例 姓名:王铂桓、桓桓 英文名:McQueen 年龄:8岁 年级:小学三年级 性格:McQueen是一个会学会玩的孩子,写得一手好书法,上课总是最快最准确回答出问题,当然这和他在课后的努力密不可分。 姓名:张璨怡、格格 英文名:Cindy 年龄:8岁 年级:小学三年级 性格:Cindy是一个表面文静,内心活泼的小女孩,上课有点害羞,却是班上接受能力最强的学生,努力认真是她经常收到的赞扬。 姓名:金琛涵、点点 英文名:Jessy 年龄:8岁 年级:小学三年级 性格:Jessy是一个天真可爱,活泼开朗的小男孩,上课总能活跃课堂气氛,课后也有问不完的小问题~ 布兰特英语学员风采
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