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Mrs Ng Gim Choo
Mrs Ng Gim Choo
Founder & Group Managing Director Education is about more than imparting knowledge. It is about building character and empowering each individual to be an enthusiastic life-long learner and a global citizen of the future.As said by Ms Ho Ching, wife of Singapore’s Prime Minister, Mr Lee Hsien Loong in the Forward of EtonHouse 1996 Year Book.“The key to education is building character and developing capability.“Without character, society will degenerate. Without capacity, society will likewise fade.“A child at seven is set for life.  The early years form the basic foundation, shaping both the child’s character and his or her desire to learn. More than intellectual stimulation, children must learn to live and socialize with their fellow human beings as part of a considerate and mutually supportive community.  In this role, pre-schools carry an important responsibility to complement the care and support provided by parents and family.“As the Chinese say: “tian sheng wo cai bi you yong” (天生我才必有用) everyone has a talent to contribute to society. However, this potential needs to be cultivated and nurtured, in order for it to blossom.  A supportive family combined with a stimulating group learning opportunity provides one of the best environments for a child to grow and take his or her place in this world.”EtonHouse is committed to the pursuit of excellence and leadership in education services and practice. The curriculum is based upon leading pedagogical models from around the world and designed to develop students academically, emotionally, socially, aesthetically and physically. All learning at EtonHouse is built upon proven research-based best practice.Classroom learning is inquiry-based and student-centred. Teachers seek to work co-operatively and collaboratively with the children, respecting the unique abilities that each learner brings into the learning environment. EtonHouse also looks to work in close partnership with all members of its parent community.The educational philosophies practised in EtonHouse Pre-Schools and Schools include the early years Inquire-Think-Learn approach inspired by the Reggio Emilia Project of Northern Italy and the International Baccalaureate integrated learning inquiry model*.EtonHouse seeks to graduate internationally minded students with the confidence and character to become active, responsible members of their immediate communities and potentially, as leaders to shape the future of our planet.

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